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He asked a business associate about family members who had made statements and encouraged them to change their minds about what they had said to police, Pollett said. Once police stated investigating, the man became aware of various witnesses who had spoken to police. She said on two occasions in one night he unlawfully entered the house of one of the complainants. Pollett said the man used Class A and B drugs such as ecstasy (MDMA) and methamphetamine and it had the effect of lessening the inhibitions on some and influencing things in his favour, sometimes combined with alcohol. “Whether or not they wanted it, if he did, that was all that mattered. But despite this, the man considered this gave him the entitlement to act in any way he wished towards those women, Pollett said. The man, who can’t be identified due to an interim suppression order, is on trial in the High Court at Rotorua after pleading not guilty to the charges, which relate to alleged offences in various locations throughout the North Island against nine separate complainants over a period of years.Ĭrown Solicitor Anna Pollett opened the prosecution case to the jury this afternoon, telling them the high-profile man was in a role that involved personal responsibility and integrity. Photo / Andrew WarnerA leading figure in the entertainment industry on trial for 25 sexual assault and drugs-related charges was addicted to sex and on occasions used drugs such as ecstasy and methamphetamine on women so he could rape and sexually assault them, the Crown says.

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